Regulations on using a portal
General provisions
1.1 This document, hereinafter referred to as the „Regulations”, sets out the terms and conditions for access and usage the resources of the portal.
1.2 The terms used in these Regulations should be understood as follows:
– Company: iO Partners s.r.o. so with registered seat at Blumental Offices II, Námestie Mateja Korvína 1, 811 07 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovak Republic, Company No.: 55 442 293, the owner of the portal
– Portal: the internet website at
– User: an entity using the resources of the Portal.
1.3 Each User who decides to use the resources of the Portal declares that he has reviewed the Regulations and accepts the contents hereof.
Rules for Using the Resources of the Portal
2.1 Using the resources of the Portal is free of charge. Using some of the resources of the Portal, however, requires prior registration.
2.2 Only business Users, namely persons using business e-mail addresses within their business activities, may register. Other Users may register after having obtained consent from the administrator of the Portal. There is no possibility of establishing an account by a User using an e-mail address registered on a gratuitous internet domain and employees of competitive firms, in particular those dealing in real estate (of any type), real estate management, providing advisory and consulting services. The administrator has the right to suspend any account in case of having justified assumption that the User’s using the data contained on the Portal relates to the User’s work in the said capacity.
2.3 The registration is free of charge and consists of filling in and sending a form. The following data should be inserted in the form: name, surname, name and address of the company, business e-mail address and business telephone number.
2.4 Using the resources of the Portal does not mean the User’s acquiring any rights to the materials contained therein. The User may use such materials only to the extent allowed by the provisions of the Act No. 618/2003 Coll. on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright as amended.
2.5 The Company verifies all the data available from the Portal with due diligence, the data, however, may differ from the reality. The Company shall not be liable for the accuracy and truthfulness of the data contained on the Portal. The User should verify the data from the Portal before undertaking business decisions.
2.6 The Company shall not be liable for any interruptions in the access to the resources of the Portal. The Company shall be authorized to suspend the operation of the Portal any time without the need to advise the Users about the reason for such a decision.
2.7 The Company, as the personal data administrator, is authorised to entrust the right to process the personal data of the Users to its business partners.
2.8 The website was tested for proper operation and display in most internet browsers available currently on the market:
- Mozilla Firefox >= 3.5.3
- Opera 9 and 10
- Google Chrome
- Apple Safari 4
- Microsoft Internet Explorer >= 7
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (minor errors may occur in display of some elements)
Errors in display of the page may occur in older versions of browsers. For this reason as well as taking into account the increase in security, we recommend that the Users update their browsers to the latest version.
The User’s Rights and Obligations
3.1 While registering the User consents to processing of the personal data by the Company or its business partners committed its processing provided by the User pursuant to the requirements of the Act No. 428/2002 Coll. on Personal data protection as amended.
3.2 The User has the right to review his data any time. At the User’s e-mail request, the Administrator may correct the data introduced by the User, as well as liquidated the User’s account established on the Portal. Personal data of the de-registered User shall be deleted from the database of the Portal.
3.3 Should the User’s breach of the terms and conditions of the Regulations result in damage caused to a third party, the User shall be obliged to repair the damage.
3.4 The User is responsible for content, trueness and completeness of information which will insert at the Portal as well any actions or decisions undertaken by the User in relation to the User’s using the Portal.
The Company’s Rights and Obligations
4.1 The Company undertakes to protect the Users’ personal data. The data shall be processed only within the Company’s economic activities with regard to the offers available on the
4.2 The Company reserves the right to suspend or liquidate the User’s account without stating the reasons therefore.
4.3 The Company reserves the right to award special rights to selected Users (VIP clients) with regard to the level of access of the resources of the Portal. The Company also reserves the right to deprive the User of the special rights awarded, without stating the reasons therefore.
4.4 The Company shall not be liable for any actions or decisions undertaken by the User in relation to the User’s using the Portal and for any consequences of the User’s utilizing the information obtained via the Portal.
4.5 The Company shall not be liable for any technical limitations or other type of interruptions arising outside of the Company’s control, which make it impossible or difficult to use the Portal.
4.6 While providing the services, the Company may utilise assistance of business partners co-operating with it, who are authorised to contact the User directly.
4.7 The possibility of providing the Company with contents of illegal nature is excluded.
Final Provisions
5.1 The Company reserves the right to change the Regulations any time through placing the changes on this website. Any amendments to the Regulations shall become effective on the date of publication thereof.
5.2 In case of an amendment to the Regulations of the Portal, the User shall be obliged to accept the new Regulations before starting using the Portal. A failure to accept the new Regulations will result automatically in suspending the User’s account.
5.3 Relevant provisions of law of the Slovak Republic shall apply in cases not governed herein.
5.4 Complaint proceedings shall consist in the Company’s providing explanations sent to the User’s e-mail address, responding to the complaint filed with regard to the e-service. The explanation should be provided not later than within 36 hours from the date of sending the notification.